Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Frank Frazetta, Fantasy Artist, 1928 - 2010

Artist Frank Frazetta passed away on Monday, May 10, 2010, at the age of 82 due to a stroke. Frazetta's career began in comic books before World War II, working on a variety of adventure titles for several different publishers, as well as doing a stint on the Li'l Abner newspaper comic strip from 1953-1961. He is best known for the fantasy and horror paintings for magazines and pulp paperback novel covers, which he began doing in the 1960's for Warren Magazines and Ace Books. His paintings for Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan and John Carter of Mars novels and Robert E. Howard's Conan are iconic representations of those fictional characters and could often sell books by themselves. Frazetta collaborated with animator Ralph Bakshi in the early 1980's on the animated movie Fire and Ice, which was based on Frazetta's fantasy paintings. [Source:]