The series tells the story of Kou Ichinomiya, a man who had accomplished many things all by himself. Ever since he was little, his father had taught him one rule to follow by, "Never be indebted to anyone". But one day by accident, Kou fell into a river and almost drowned. A girl by the name of Nino rescued him and in turn owes her his life. Unable to accept the fact that he is indebted to her, Kou asks her for a way to repay her. In the end all she asks is for him to fall in love with her. Because of his beliefs, he has to repay her, and this is the beginning of Kou's life living under a bridge. However, as Kou starts to learn, Arakawa is a place full of weirdos and all of the people living under the bridge are what society would call, "denpasan". [Source: Wikipedia]
This anime is delightfully funny and filled with embarrassing moments for Kou as he experiences the really strange, off-the-wall world under the bridge, and he gets deeper and deeper into debt with Nino, his saviour.