(These pictures roughly cover the first 32 episodes and 1/2 of a movie of the over 200 episodes, 3 movie and 3 OAV Bleach anime. A huge thank you to the Legendary Master of Sole Shots Match25, the Legendary GTS author and Master Webfinder Mr. E and the Legendary CG Artist Ayane Matrix for providing material for this bonus)
Ok...so what makes Rukia's feet the ones that most people would love to have playing footsie with their face. Well besides her obvious easiness on the eyes...she has a really dominating side to her personality and even seems to enjoy trampling people underneath her feet. There's also a comedic side to her personality that's really enjoyable to watch as well with quirks including an obsession with bunnies, ridiculously bad drawing skills and a naivety involving the real world. She really is fun multifaceted character who I definitely wouldn't mind letting her rub her feet in my face all day long if she wanted to. :-D
Alright everyone since its been about a month since I've done this type of segment, it time for some...
No theme this time...this month's spotlights are completely random. :-D
First off Mr. E has a new semi-spin-off interactive to his classic gts interactive Shrunk with Friends, Family and more. His new interactive Shrinking with Friends, Family, and More (working title)
involves the teenage lead (you) finding a machine that allows him to shrink and clone himself. Imagine the multiple possibles. :-D Like Mr. E's other interactives there a variety of female characters that could become involved in the story including your girlfriend, stepmother, sisters, cousins, aunts, ex-girlfriends, friends and maid. Included in the interactive are pictures of all these women as well. O_O
A couple of weeks ago marked the 2 year anniversary of my own interactive Comic Book Women's Feet (http://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1393778/action/outline). It really is very nice that this interactive continues to grow with some great new chapters from Money$ign and 2233445 involving Kitty Pryde and Rogue, Jean Grey, Wonder Woman and Supergirl. *Takes a deep breath*
Speaking of Money$ign...the next spotlight up is his interactive Anime Feet Fest!
This interactive you getting transported to meet your favorite anime girl and having to please her feet. Really hot!! Some of the nice storylines underway include finding yourself at the feet of Misty, Katara, Ino O_O, Kagome and Rukia (Yup the hottie above).
Another story which I've been meaning to spotlight again for some time is Tickling Lacus Clyne by the author Falconwing.(http://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1154157/action/outline) The title pretty much covers the premise of this story. :-) Since I last mentioned this story (way back in June 2008). There have been a lot of really great additions added to this story including the conclusion of a very sweet story arc written by Epsilon7466MK2, Falconwing Gouf and Radiant Phoenix involving tickling, foot massages, a swim on the beach and other romantic moments. (Click here for a directors cut of the story) I think that both tickling fetishist and romantics would really enjoy this story a lot. ^_^
Also, recently updated story is Retrogamer's Cartoon Women's Feet (http://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1630239-Cartoon-Womens-Feet/action/outline) involving a storyline with the cute Ghostbusters Secretary Janine. Slimer really luck out in this one. :-D
Ok that will do for tonight guys. Wow...alot of really great writing. :-D
*Whew* After spending a week staring at Rukia's feet and capping her I have a lot to catch up on. I'm working on the final sets of spellcasters along with a massive amount of other sets. If I get the chance...I'd also like to post a few new writing chapters as well. *Whew* A third of the month is gone already and so much to do. I guess I'd better get started. ^_^
On that note...more to come soon. ^_^