Monday, June 8, 2009

Batman: Veronica Vreeland (Bonus)

When you think of hot Batman redheads...probably the first two to pop into your head are Poison Ivy or Batgirl. While the rich socialite Veronica Vreeland might be more of a side character compared to those two...she still really hot. That and she has a couple of nice foot moments in one of the episodes...Enjoy guys!!!

(These are from the Batman: TAS Episode "Harley's Holiday"... A special thanks to Breakthewalls for finding and tipping me off to this cool scene.)

Being the rich spoiled type, Veronica probably takes really good care of her feet. I bet they must be creamily soft. One thing I really have to admire about this girl is that she's able to keep her cool eventhough she's being kidnapped. She's clearly got a little bit of the Gotham girl spunk. Coincidentally, yesterday when I was out on the freeway I noticed a car where the passenger had her bare feet up on the dashboard (kind of like Veronica does in this episode). I couldn't help thinking it was kind of hot. ^_^

All right I'm kind of running on fumes here so that's all for now but as usual...more to come soon!!