There's no possible way I could do a tribute to the lovely women of Disney without the Little Mermaid. Ariel is one of the hottest Disney characters ever. In fact this spunky redhead pushes the sexy envelope so much that it's hard to believe they got away with posting her in a children's film (Seashell Bra?) but I'm definitely not complaining. Sex appeal aside, Ariel is a great character. She might be a headstrong teenager but she fights for what's in her heart plus her fun, curious and playful personality make it hard not to like her. She's really great and of course the scenes above push her over the top.
Ok...out of all the Disney foot related moments I posted or will post...Ariel has arguably the best ones (with the possible exception of one upcoming girl). In fact the scene where she shows her sole to the camera and wiggles her toes is my personal favorite and I was really looking forward to posting this since the disney tribute started.