Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Death Note: Misa's Bare Feet

Ok...It looks like a lot of you want to Misa barefoot. Well don't say I never give you what you want. :-D Eventhough I thought that Cake scene was enough to raise the temperature of this blog to over 100 degrees...I'm gonna really push the limit with one. Enjoy guys!!!

(Once again I have to give a huge thank you to Mr. E for tracking down this entire bonus including some really hot webfinds.)

I found out with the last bonus that there are actually a couple of Misa-haters out there. How anybody could manage to refrain from groveling at this gothic blonde bombshell's feet is completely beyond me. This girl is awesome.

Anyway, that basically covers the Death Note girls. Hope you guys liked them and as usual...more to come soon!!!