(A huge thanks to the author Lawliet for providing the extremely hot cap that made this bonus possible. There are also a couple of webfinds in the mix as well)
If you're like me...after seeing the 4th cap down...you'll probably spend the next few days googling this girl and series too which is something I highly recommend. ;-) As for myself I definitely intend to watch this series.
Ok next week (as I hinted in my last entry) it is going to be one Match25 bonus after another as I attempt to catch up with the tremendous amount of cool pictures and clips he sent me lately. Before I do that...I have to issue the following Disclaimer: Neither Anime Feet nor the Legendary Master of Sole Shots is responsible for any health hazards resulting from the massive amount of barefoot awesomeness contained in the upcoming pics. Anyway...I'll see you guys soon!
Have a good evening everyone!!
*We were talking about Code Lyoko when he mentioned it.