(These are more webfinds featuring the professional artwork of Mariah Benes (pic 2), Joe Jusko (5), A. Saviuk (3+7), Tim Sale (8), Buzz (1), Alex Miranda (6), and two unknown artists (4+9))
Right now I'm in the process of working on a short Mary Jane Watson foot fetish story for my comic book interactive and I could use a few suggestions for it. What do you guys think? Should I make her dominant or sweet? Maybe a combination of the two? Should I make her feet overworked or ticklish? Should I make her a Giantess? Don't worry though...if nobody has any preferences, I'll just wing it.
Ok...there's one more slight sidenote with this blog entry...it's my 100th one. ^_^ I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for stopping by and checking this blog out. You guys make posting totally worthwhile. Anyway here's hoping that I'll be able to post a lot more in the future.
Your Friendly Neighborhood