Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Invisible Woman (Bonus)

Susan Storm Richards is one of the hottest women to grace the pages of Marvel Comics and easily earned this tribute to her. Enjoy!!

(Of the artists behind this great series of webfinds, I was only able to find out two names: Steve Mcniven and Alex Miranda who drew the second and third pictures respectively.)

Do I really need to explain why Susan Richards got a top ten spot? Not only is she one of the classic Marvel heroines, she's also incredibly sexy and has a sweet personality. Who wouldn't want to spend hours worshipping her feet? With this bonus, I had to cheat a little bit. Unfortunately I couldn't find any barefoot webfinds of Sue to post. Instead I posted the next best thing, pictures of the actress who portrayed her in the Fantastic Four films Jessica Alba.

Ok 5 down and 5 to go. As usual...more to come soon!!!