Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Poll of the Month 3: Anime/Cartoon Villainess Poll

Well...I added a fun new poll of month. This one lets you pick which Villainess' feet you would like to become a slave to. I tried to give everyone a variety to choose from spacing them out between different animes/cartoons. I know a few of these girls have reformed since they first appeared in their series but I'm sure they would still love having a slave at their feet.

As with the last two polls voting is anonymous and you don't need a blogger account to vote so anybody that wants to can participate. I love to see what everbody's opinion is. Also similiar to last month, I'll try to post a series of tributes/vidcaps of various villainesses throughout the month. I have a few foot scenes in mind but could use a few more so let me know if there is a scene involving a bad girls' feet that you would like me to cap.

Ok that's it for now!! Have fun everyone!!