Not only is Cammy popular with you guys... she's one of my favorites as well and she's been featured here a ton of times: http://animefeet.blogspot.com/2007/12/cammy.html
In fact when I saw she was winning...I was a little worried that I wouldn't have any new barefoot material for her. Fortunately, I was able to get more caps of her sunbathing (found a complete version of 21) and a higher quality shower scene to share with you guys.
Anyway, what makes so many people wish they could have Cammy's feet in their face? Well...Cammy really has everything any person could ever want. She's smart, sexy, a strong fighter, and has a gorgeous body. Cammy's personality allows her to be friendly, dominating or playful depending on the situation and because her alliance shifts throughout the Street Fighter series, it's possible for her to be a caring heroine or naughty villainess depending on your tastes. No matter which side she's on, Cammy wears a sexy pair of knee-high boots as part of her uniform which no doubt make her feet extra sweaty and tired after wearing them all day (especially with all the physical activity she's involved in). She'd probably be really thrilled to take them off and use a person's face as her own personal foot massager if she were given the opportunity.
Ok everyone...that's all for tonight. Thanks for checking in and as usual...more to come soon!!